So after the princess phase they go through what I like to call a 'toy' phase. We had the Bratz dolls (yes I allowed my daughter to play with them as I still think they are kinda cute in a skanky sort of way, I envy them in such a way as I can never get away with wearing such skin showing get ups), then we had the Polly Pockets and the Littlest Pet Shops and WebKins and I don't know what else.
So what comes after the 'toy' phase....why yes of course my daughter still suffers from Major OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder)! She is soooo into the whole Twilight thing its just....well....real. I suppose I should account myself as being the responsible party for turning her onto such a disorder. After watching Twilight in the theaters I took her to see it not even 24 hours after I first saw it cause it was just that good! Ever since watching Twilight, life has not been the same! We rushed out to get our grubby little hands on the whole series and she has not put them down since! She has been reading the series over and over and over. I even tried to persuade her into reading Shopaholic but after Braden got ahold of that book she has had no desire to venture away from her beloved vampire Edward.

Alas, the movie finally comes out on DVD! You know that we HAVE to get it! So while at the mall today we had to go through our whole 'Twilight Mall Ritual' which consists of torturing Felisha and prolonging our trip to Hot Topic to check out the Twilight Madness as long as possible. Its kinda fun really! For me anyway, as I drag her through Dillards and around the mall the long way only to see her roll her eyes and give me 'the look' as I hit my beloved American Eagle. It just kills her cause Hot Topic is a few stores away and you know I have to look things over and make sure all is well with the Eagle. On a good day I make her suffer through my visit with Victoria's Secret and when I do take pity on her almost(fake) tears I give in and buy her a lip gloss or body spray so she can be all priss when she enters her ultimate destination.
Upon arrival of Hot Topic to check out the Twilight gear we were greeted with invites to see a local band. Not bad! Victoria...take note of this! Then the almighty Twilight Gods blessed us with the privilege of a VIP Twilight Release Party! Thats right! When you preorder your copy of Twilight at Hot Topic for only $24.99 (which is supposed to be cheaper than anywhere else or so I was told) you get the privilage of partying like Vampires at the Twilight Release! We are soooo excited! They are supposed to be doing Twilight Trivia and games and giveaways and blood drinking vampire things. Ok, maybe I got a little carried away there. But either way we sooo there!

While at Hot Topic one can't help but take notice on all the different 'styles' you see in there. The line was long so we got to really check people out and I tell you standing there with a tween girl as I push my tot in the stroller I felt very old but young at the same time. Black apparently never goes out of style, as well as chains and pointy things. People are still into piercings as I now reminisce of my old navel and nose piercing and wonder if its still totally acceptable to do it all over again cause if so I would in a heart beat, or two! I admire ones creativity. I know most people kinda shun the folk that wear such out there get ups but I really admire them for their individuality all the same. I couldn't help but admire the hair of one of the guys that works in the store. His hair is almost cut the same as mine but I just loved how his was all blond and kinda wild and messy. I wanted so badly to snap a picture but I didn't bring my camera and didn't want him to take it the wrong way but I suppose if I explained to him the talent his hairstylist has he may not take offense. Spring is almost here so I may just have to see my own stylist and recreate the 'girl' version of his coif!
After my run down memory lane we hit Felisha's new hot spot for duds, Aeropostale. At the beginning of the school year it was all Limited Too. Now I am no longer limited to just my own wardrobe as we can totally share tops with each other! Its awesome really because I simply steer her to what catches my eye, have her try it on, fall in love and in a few weeks it can end up in my closet! You know how things get misplaced when putting laundry away!
Oh and I did run and see my girl Victoria. Had to get my free panty! If you try on one of the new Heidi's Perfect bras you get an additional $5 off and after buying two bras like on the coupon its like getting $30 off. Plus she values our friendship so much she gave me a surprise gift for later on so I'll be sure to look her up then!
Lastly, who can not live without Wall Flowers from Bath and Body Works? A good smelling home appears cleaner doesn't it? Kinda blocking the mayhem of a two year olds doing! Anyway, they are on sale for $6 so its stock up time! I had a coupon on my receipt for $10 off a $30 purchase and after redeeming it today can you believe I got another one! Who says Friday the 13th is supposed to be bad!
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