So what does one do at one of these functions you ask? Well, you stand in line to blow a wad of cash on Twilight gear.

Get your picture taken with the Best Vampire EVER.

Then stand in line again for the clock to strike midnight so you can get your hands on your copy of the DVD.

See the line behind us!
-Sorry for the poor lighting, I think my camera was on the wrong setting.

And sadly this was the line ahead of us!
-Lets just face it I need that Nikon D90 BAD!
Then go home and crash cause you're too tired to watch the movie!
While waiting in line all evening we really did have good time! A few girls Felisha knows were there so they were all being silly running around having fun. Oh, and flirting with boys! Those girls were WILD! We stood in line with a friend of hers and her parents who were just a trip along with everyone around us! We laughed our heads off and had a good time. I love people that are so down to earth and easy to get along with! Made for a fun night!
I could also be quite the salesperson as when I'm in a store I must say I'm not shy! I can talk anyone into posing with a cardboard cutout and my enthusiasm for the silliest things is definitely heard! As I came across Twilight pajamas I was ever so excited cause who doesn't love cute jammies? So as I proceed to hold them up and check them out everyone around is like 'where did you get those' and snatches them up. I found a pillow case with Edwards face on it and told everyone 'hey we can cuddle up with him all night long'! Don't you know I wasn't the only one wanting to drool on him as I get my beauty sleep! I just have that effect on people! Now wheres my commission?
What would I have done if I were hosting a Twilight Bash you ask?
For starters I would have made it seem like a big to do to even get into the mall. I'd make those security guards earn their pay for the evening by throwing people out if they didn't have their VIP pass. Nah, the more the merrier but I'm sure I'd have to have a bouncer or two on hand.
Next up, we'd be blaring the Twilight soundtrack and some other rockin' music so everyone could get their grove on. Who doesn't like to watch people that can't! Myself included!
Have some fun lighting and decorations.
Serve some Animal Crackers or Animal shaped treats for the Cool Cullen Crowd and Keebler Elves or gingerbread men for the Vicious Vampires along with some blood red punch. Maybe even throw in some ice cubes shaped as lambs or hands. Once again so we know who's side you run with.
Have tons of door prizes, grab bags and giveaways! Because hello, who doesn't love bringing home the free Twi-Loot?
And last but not least....have the cast of Twilight there! Edward by my side of course!
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