So, I'm a 'Texter'! I really hate talking on the phone except to a select few people I suppose, my sister being one of them. She recently got a new phone and data plan so now we can 'get our text on' for a change! Her carrier has provided her with 500 minutes of outside text usage and since I'm the only one she knows thats not in her network it is up to me to make good use of her freebies!
Texting has really thrown us both off as we find each other to be way more hilarious via text message. I think I have figured the reason behind all our new found chuckling at our phones. We both have children, our 2 year olds are 13 days apart which is so cool in itself, so we both struggle with the same things while trying to communicate with someone on the phone. Our conversations over the phone usually contain the same phrases such as Stop that, Give Me That, Get Down from There, Come Here, Gosh you Stink....Again, Get Away from That, Do you have to potty, Boy you are Cranky, Do you need a nap, Oh you're gonna get it, Oh Yuck, Stay Out of there and so forth sandwiched into our conversations about mid sentence....every sentence.
However, if we start texting this way we both know we have bigger problems than just two year olds!
On to my friend Victoria, she can now send me texts! With a simple hello, how are you, hey lets get together and you spend some money all is great! Except Victoria already sends me enough daily emails and that as curious as I am to see what offers shes got for me via text, I'll have to pass. I'd go broke if I printed and used every coupon she sent me to her store. Besides, I'm a little hurt she shares all her Secrets with the whole world and not just me! I will however be in soon to claim my free pair of panties at Victoria's Secret!
One great thing about texting is that you don't always have to answer right away like you do when you're carrying on a real conversation (not that texting isn't real conversing cause it's so super real as well). With texting you can simply ignore/avoid the question or totally fake paying attention and go back later to see what the heck they were talking about when you were preoccupied with someone else's drama. The IPhone is great cause it logs all your convo's with each person so you never miss a beat! Then later you can scroll through your lack of conversation and realize when you said 'yes I can't wait' that you were agreeing to carpool, diaper duty, homeroom mom and have to bake 85 cupcakes for the school carnival that is tomorrow!
Ya gotta love it!
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