I've been a 'Shazamin'! Ok so you're probably thinkin' what the heck is that crazy girl a doin' now? Well, if you knew me in person you would easily know that I love my IPhone dearly. Who doesn't just feel completley nek-ed without their cell phone? I mean don't we all sleep with our phones tucked under our pillows now a days? And take them everywhere we go? And go crazy if we're out and don't have much of a charge left on our phone? I mean shoot, Sarah Jessica Parker may be calling to invite me out for lunch and shopping and then my phone dies mid conversation! Then she thinks I'm blowing her off and never calls me back again! The stress involving our cell phones! Arg!
Anyway, I'm really lovin' all my 'Shazamin' lately. Shazam is a free app. on IPhones that I highly reccomend to anyone with such a handy dandy device! Wait, did you catch that its FREE! Probably one of my favorite apps. on my phone. Me and Felisha love to Shazam tunes in the car all the time. Its so easy to use too. You just tap the Shazam button on your phone and then tap Tag Now and viola! You have yourself the song name, artist and tons of other info at your fingertips in seconds. It also stores all your Tags so you scroll back through them when you're no longer on the freeway and you can even share your tags with others! I'm really quite amazed with its abilities because it can still read the song while me and Felisha are belting out the tunes in the car. We jam big time! Its alway been accurate, to my knowledge, and can even pick up the tunes in the grocery store cause we all wanna know where they get that elevator music from I know!
I think for all of you non IPhone users, bless your hearts, you can possibly get this app on your phone as well. I'll have to try with Felisha's and let you know. Shes asleep with her phone tucked under her pillow at the moment! I asked her earlier if I could mess with hers and she's like ah, I have your phone for that! It may take awhile cause I just can't figure her phone out as the IPhone is all I know.
Update: After messing around with Felisha's phone and having no success I realize that we must move to the UK in order for her to have such service. I'll get right on that ya know! Seriously, that feature only works there apparently, by dialing 2580 and holding the phone up to the music. I really must plan a trip to see if this works! Otherwise it's just us IPhone and Blackberry users!
So Shazam it Baby!