Sunday, March 29, 2009


I've been a 'Shazamin'! Ok so you're probably thinkin' what the heck is that crazy girl a doin' now? Well, if you knew me in person you would easily know that I love my IPhone dearly. Who doesn't just feel completley nek-ed without their cell phone? I mean don't we all sleep with our phones tucked under our pillows now a days? And take them everywhere we go? And go crazy if we're out and don't have much of a charge left on our phone? I mean shoot, Sarah Jessica Parker may be calling to invite me out for lunch and shopping and then my phone dies mid conversation! Then she thinks I'm blowing her off and never calls me back again! The stress involving our cell phones! Arg!

Anyway, I'm really lovin' all my 'Shazamin' lately. Shazam is a free app. on IPhones that I highly reccomend to anyone with such a handy dandy device! Wait, did you catch that its FREE! Probably one of my favorite apps. on my phone. Me and Felisha love to Shazam tunes in the car all the time. Its so easy to use too. You just tap the Shazam button on your phone and then tap Tag Now and viola! You have yourself the song name, artist and tons of other info at your fingertips in seconds. It also stores all your Tags so you scroll back through them when you're no longer on the freeway and you can even share your tags with others! I'm really quite amazed with its abilities because it can still read the song while me and Felisha are belting out the tunes in the car. We jam big time! Its alway been accurate, to my knowledge, and can even pick up the tunes in the grocery store cause we all wanna know where they get that elevator music from I know!

I think for all of you non IPhone users, bless your hearts, you can possibly get this app on your phone as well. I'll have to try with Felisha's and let you know. Shes asleep with her phone tucked under her pillow at the moment! I asked her earlier if I could mess with hers and she's like ah, I have your phone for that! It may take awhile cause I just can't figure her phone out as the IPhone is all I know.

Update: After messing around with Felisha's phone and having no success I realize that we must move to the UK in order for her to have such service. I'll get right on that ya know! Seriously, that feature only works there apparently, by dialing 2580 and holding the phone up to the music. I really must plan a trip to see if this works! Otherwise it's just us IPhone and Blackberry users!

So Shazam it Baby!

Get Scented

Beings as though I have a slight addiction to Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works smell goods and of course my new found love of Ed Hardy I suppose you could consider it my personal addiction or just that I strongly believe in good personal hygiene. Lets not discuss the fact that I have 5 different types of deodorant in my bathroom. Seriously, a girl can't be stinkin'! Since I can really only smell what I decide to douse myself in on any given day temporally, like for a whopping 20 minutes, I don't feel the need to spend a ton on smelling great. I do however spend a lot of time sniffing and scouting good smellies. Hey lets face it, its time well spent at the mall!

So what are my all time favorites?

From Victoria's Secret I love, love, love Blossoming Romance the most.

From Bath and Body Works....I could say everything but I think I like the Sea Island Cotton the most because of its fresh cleanliness like scent...

My latest love crazy smell good ever...Ed Hardy's Love and Luck!!! WOW! Now I do spend some buckage on that bad boy...but hes totally worth it! I mean just the lotion alone you can smell on yourself like perfume hours later! I love this scent and its one I can actually smell on myself.

I like simple, clean, fresh, light and floral scents.

My daughter being the one with obsessive disorders (OCD), who now refers to herself as Twilight Diva, loves her Harajuka Love perfume. Harajuka has to have the cutest line of fragrances out there for girly girls. And they all smell so good I'd wear them too but I buy them for her and have enough of my own collection going on.

See the bottle shes holding? Yes thats the perfume! And the jacket, Harajuka cuteness! They are so right when they say its a fatal attraction to cuteness!

P.S. As I type this post my 2 year old is wearing his coat carrying a Target bag of I don't know what, putting sandals on my feet and begging me to take him somewhere in the car. Braden you smell fine! Geez!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I came home from work tonight to find my camera on the counter. Looking to see what was on it I found these pictures of my favorite girl ever being her silly self so I just had to share with you!

Not only is she cute but she also brushes her back teeth really well! -she ought to as she wants to be a dental hygienist when she grows up...along with a hair dresser and a writer

She cracks me up all the time...shes a funny chic!

This picture is so her! So peaceful!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Am I A Bad Mutha???

So I've decided to confess some of my motherly sins to 'blogland'. I shall do this just a little at a time like a little confessional. I mean I can't confess everything I do 'wrong' as a mother all at once! I'd never be able to stop as there is no end to the madness. It's a daily battle I tell you! Well, that and I do like my kids and don't want them taken away!

Where do I begin....

I have been known to feed my children cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner....all in the same day.
...And am guilty of allowing them cookies for breakfast on occasion.........with milk mind you!

I send my daughter to school not knowing if she has any lunch money on her account or not and wait for her to bring home a slip from the school cafeteria saying she owes a whopping buck sixty or whatever before writing another check for her. I don't keep track of that....I just wait till the money runs out, I get a notice and write her another check. I think of it as a warm fuzzy letter saying please allow Felisha to join us for lunch!

I have not joined the PTA. Oh My Gosh! Bad mother! BAD! And I'm honestly not sweating my lack of membership! Shhhhh!

I have wrote off books as being read when they haven't for school purposes.

I think its cute and funny when Felisha dresses Braden up like a girl!

I leave my 2 year old in his high chair after meals so I can clean up the kitchen and get some things done around the house. He doens't seem to mind as hes a slow eater. However I'm quick to get him out as soon as he starts to throw food he cares not to eat!

I allow my little boy to jump on the beds, play with dolls and wear my deodorant. -He likes to smell all powdery that a bad thing?

I enjoy working outside the home and getting away from the kids for a bit!

I sometimes pretend I don't smell Braden's stinky diapers in hopes that someone else will not only get a good whif but take it upon themselves to change him! -I can dream!

My biggest sin for the moment....leaving my cold medicine on the counter before going to bed only to have Braden wake up and open the 'childproof' bottle so we get the joys of spending a morning in the ER because we didn't know if he swallowed any or not. I have learned that they can reach much farther than I thought (with the help of a chair) and have managed to keep all meds put up. However, I don't feel the need to keep my new prescription toothpaste locked up. (It stays a shelf higher than the other toothpastes.) Such a rebel I know!

One more guilty sin...I allow my son to fall asleep where ever and let him lay there till I know hes zonked out good before moving him to his bed.

Ahhh...back when he was innocent!

Playing with dolls

Really liked that doll!

Kitchen floor

This couldn't have been too bad really

Only my child would cuddle up with dirty laundry and crash!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Working 9 to 5

Don't I wish I had those hours! Some good news is that I go back to work today after being laid off for what seems like forever! I've managed to have worked only a total of 2 (two) yes 2 weeks since Christmas! The rest of this time I've managed to be laid off. Not by choice because I actually like to work! Ok, I like bringing home a paycheck per say.

During such time I'd like to tell you how I've managed to find a cure for all cancers and other diseases, start my own foundation for charitable causes for the good of mankind, make sure no one in this world will ever go hungry and have a roof over their heads every night as well as a warm bed to sleep in and last but not least fix this whole economy situation we all suffer with! I know! I've been soooo busy!

Ok, so I really do wish all of that and more would happen in this lifetime but in the mean time I have been extremely lazy! I have had the privilage of sleeping in, staying in my pj's till noon (or later) daily, putting off washing...drying...and folding impressively large heaps of laundry (I sometimes like to see just how much I can fit in those front loaders!), staying up late, procrasting housework and doing my fair share of 'frugal' shopping. Hardest part of my day? Making sure Felisha is up and ready for school on time! Sad huh! Best part of my days...spending good quaility time with my children!

Busted being lazy and snoozing into the afternoon.

Counting down when his can rid himself of his mommy for awhile!

Are they happy to see me head back to work? (surely not!) (At least I hope!)

Update: Someone stole my veggie sandwich! I put it in the fridge and not even 20 minutes later someone up and ran off with it spreading it all over the kitchen floor! Gee, I wonder who that could have been? Braden, that was supposed to be my dinner tonight at work. What does he dinner no work? Ha! Guess whos counting down now?!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Movie reviews for:
'He's Just Not That Into You'

Being the nanny deprived mother that I am sometimes I just have to suck it up and do things with the kids I'd really rather not. You know how kids can really just cramp ones style! All needy and sucking your attention from more important things like a good chick flick. I'm kidding I swear! I love them both to death but you have you taken a 2 year old to the movies lately?

Imagine a child if you will, cute one at that, sitting at the movies drinking his little strawberry banana smoothie all quiet and peacefully enjoying the movie. Eventually this must come to an end! I mean he is 2! So I managed to grab his little tush and dash to the concessions for reinforcements being popcorn and sour patch kids to keep my little one from fussing. Then as he tires of his drink, popcorn and what was left after me and Felisha devoured most of the candy(oops) and the movie he notices the stairs next to his seat. As some find it fun to climb the stairs and walk back and forth down the aisles while the movie is playing the mommy type (and other movie patrons I'm sure) find it just a bit...less enjoying. Oh how fun it is to try to watch a movie and a busy 2 year old in a dark theater. Lets just say this.....I don't advise this to anyone!

Get your kid outta here! He's ruining the show!

So, for my movie review on 'Hes Just Not That Into You'...Well, first off we stopped for smoothies at Sheridan's so we were running late. Oh and a tidbit most people don't know is that some theaters actually do allow you to bring in your own snacks and drinks. We usually hit an AMC theater nearby and paying for all our goodies once they said you can bring in your own junk. Oh Yeah! I get more looks from other movie patrons than you would believe as the employees there never bat an eye at me carrying in my own drink.

Ok, so I missed the first oh 10-15 minutes which I'm sure had to be good. But you can easily catch onto what was missed. Gigi, is a hoot! I loved her character as she desperately awaits for this guy to call her. Or any guy for that matter! Mary too as with all the technology these never know how someone is going to contact you! The other characters are all in different situations relationship-wise as well so makes for an interesting movie. Lots of little twists and such. I'm not going to spoil the movie but it was a pretty good chick flick. I'm sure I'd of enjoyed it much more if I was privileged enough to have a nanny!

I'd definitely like to see the movie again....without my little guy.

Another movie I saw that I'm surprised is still playing (here anyway) is 'Gran Torino'. That movie was really really good and made me cry. Very good...must see!

I already told you how much I loved loved loved 'Shopaholic'! Oh and the book is just awesome. I'm not going to say way better than the movie because they are actually quite different and yet both are very very good! I need to get the other books in the series as I'm sure they are all equally as adorable!

As I was privileged enough to take a 2 year old to the theaters today, someone else was deprived of the little guy and enjoyed the movie 'Knowing'. Reviews on that was very good as well. But lets remember here that any movie without a 2 year old can be much more easily enjoyed!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twilight DVD Release Bash

After primping for a cardboard cutout and stopping for our little drinky drinks we made it to the Twilight Bash at Hot Topic. I envisioned the whole bash so differently in my head. I didn't see any coffins or moats or really anything out of sorts except for some crazy, funny, energetic, wild Twi-Hard fans. But oh yeah that's nothing new as I live with one!

So what does one do at one of these functions you ask? Well, you stand in line to blow a wad of cash on Twilight gear.

Get your picture taken with the Best Vampire EVER.

Then stand in line again for the clock to strike midnight so you can get your hands on your copy of the DVD.

See the line behind us!

-Sorry for the poor lighting, I think my camera was on the wrong setting.

And sadly this was the line ahead of us!

-Lets just face it I need that Nikon D90 BAD!

Then go home and crash cause you're too tired to watch the movie!

While waiting in line all evening we really did have good time! A few girls Felisha knows were there so they were all being silly running around having fun. Oh, and flirting with boys! Those girls were WILD! We stood in line with a friend of hers and her parents who were just a trip along with everyone around us! We laughed our heads off and had a good time. I love people that are so down to earth and easy to get along with! Made for a fun night!

I could also be quite the salesperson as when I'm in a store I must say I'm not shy! I can talk anyone into posing with a cardboard cutout and my enthusiasm for the silliest things is definitely heard! As I came across Twilight pajamas I was ever so excited cause who doesn't love cute jammies? So as I proceed to hold them up and check them out everyone around is like 'where did you get those' and snatches them up. I found a pillow case with Edwards face on it and told everyone 'hey we can cuddle up with him all night long'! Don't you know I wasn't the only one wanting to drool on him as I get my beauty sleep! I just have that effect on people! Now wheres my commission?

What would I have done if I were hosting a Twilight Bash you ask?

For starters I would have made it seem like a big to do to even get into the mall. I'd make those security guards earn their pay for the evening by throwing people out if they didn't have their VIP pass. Nah, the more the merrier but I'm sure I'd have to have a bouncer or two on hand.

Next up, we'd be blaring the Twilight soundtrack and some other rockin' music so everyone could get their grove on. Who doesn't like to watch people that can't! Myself included!

Have some fun lighting and decorations.

Serve some Animal Crackers or Animal shaped treats for the Cool Cullen Crowd and Keebler Elves or gingerbread men for the Vicious Vampires along with some blood red punch. Maybe even throw in some ice cubes shaped as lambs or hands. Once again so we know who's side you run with.

Have tons of door prizes, grab bags and giveaways! Because hello, who doesn't love bringing home the free Twi-Loot?

And last but not least....have the cast of Twilight there! Edward by my side of course!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Off to Bring MY Boyfriend Home

Well its our day to party Twilight Style with all the rest of the Twi-Hard fans in the area! Felisha hates this picture of me and my BF. He's quite tall huh? Oh how I love to torture her so!

I must make a pit stop for drinks along the way to help get us in the mood. Why yes I'll be stopping for my Favorite drinky drink ever...a Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino! And you thought I was going for another kind of drink! Shame on you! I'll save those for later when I tire of Twilight on the plasma 24/7.
Now...what does one wear to pick up their new BF............

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Little Miss Obsessive

Tomorrow is the big day for my Little Miss Obsessive! You know I have to change my playlist around from time to time and what better song for the one that suffers from OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder)than Ashlee Simpson's 'Little Miss Obsessive'! Come on don't be shy shake your booty to it too! You know you want to! Oh and theres a bit of Twilight soundtrack as well for those of you with the same disorder just to get you into the whole Twi-hard mood!

I love this little girl! Doesn't she just look so smart and sophisticated in her fake glasses she just had to have?

Ok, so she's just messing around here but really! She loves these glasses. I wonder if I can get someone to put plain glass in them for me so she can really wear them as she has no need for reading glasses but likes to wear them all the same.

I think we can attribute her interest in glasses from her BFF ever in KY Miss Mia for actually having to wear them. I love and miss these peeps!

We are counting down to drinking blood and shining like vampires under the florescent lighting none the less at Hot Topic's Twilight DVD Release Bash! I'm so excited about being in the mall after hours! Pathetic I know! But hey, what girl hates to be at the mall? Either way I will be sure to bring my camera and take pictures of all the festivities!

Did you preorder your copy of Twilight? Cause you know Felisha isn't sharing hers!

Update: So Felisha caught me blogging about her OCD and corrected me as I have been misspelling Cullen so I'm obviously not the one that suffers from such a disorder! Ha!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm so an Audrey Girl!

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

I am an Audrey!


I am an Audrey -- "I am at peace"

Audreys are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially don't like expectations or pressure
  • * I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this
  • * Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit
  • * Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge me gently and nonjudgmentally
  • * Ask me questions to help me get clear
  • * Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery
  • * Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings
  • * I like a good discussion but not a confrontation
  • * Let me know you like what I've done or said
  • * Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life

What I Like About Being an Audrey
  • * being nonjudgmental and accepting
  • * caring for and being concerned about others
  • * being able to relax and have a good time
  • * knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around
  • * my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good mediator and facilitator
  • * my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and now
  • * being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe

What's Hard About Being an Audrey
  • * being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive
  • * being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline
  • * being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally
  • * being confused about what I really want
  • * caring too much about what others will think of me
  • * not being listened to or taken seriously

Audreys as Children Often
  • * feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant
  • * tune out a lot, especially when others argue
  • * are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves

Audreys as Parents
  • * are supportive, kind, and warm
  • * are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz

Paradise and its Paranoid Parents

Felisha's school has a really weird way of doing their spring break. They break it up and give the kids long 4 day weekends spaced out throughout March and April. I don't understand the method to their madness as it's completely foreign to me and we have moved around a lot! Being the ultra cool fun mom that I am I took my kiddos and one of Felisha's girlfriends to Coco Keys indoor water resort on Monday. The place is normally closed Mon.-Wed. but beings as though its spring break they were open which worked out great for us!

The girls kinda went off and did their own thing while me and Braden hung out. He's a trip! Really shocked me as he was rather low key for a change. Normally I have this rambunctious little 2 year old that is constantly running and jumping and climbing on anything and everything in sight but here...different story! I guess that first time down the slide scared him off as he plunged his little face into the water. He enjoyed the stairs tho...of all things! He's also not a fan of getting splashed with water as it does make one cold but always a cheerleader for others!

I must be one of the most laid back mothers alive. Some moms are so uptight! Kids are kids! Little ones don't realize that giving someone a hug in the water can appear as a choke hold, or that patting someone on on the back can push them over, over even that patting someone on the head (why one would is beyond me and thank goodness we don't live in a country that shuns that, except at the pool!) can appear as though there is a drowning taking place. Kids and parents alike can make friends in a minute as we are all there to have fun. They can even write you off in less than a minute as they think your child intentionally caused a spill. This I believe is the reason they have a small bar in the resort! Those are the mommy's that NEED a drink to chill out and relax. I on the other hand don't need any as I can keep my cool and remember that these small little people we all love so much are human and make mistakes and for gosh sakes they are kids! What do you expect? They don't mean any harm by it! And if your kid wasn't hurt just brush it off and watch them enjoy themselves and their new found water buddies! Live a little! Take a breath! They are still breathing!

Here are a few photos from our wet and wild day

I just love this picture of Braden all tuckered out! He crawled into my lap and hugged me so tightly and fell asleep while waiting on our pizza!

-Don't worry, me and Braden both got haircuts the next day as we were looking pretty shaggy! We have nice short locks now!

Ya cant help but envy his eyelashes! So pretty!

We spent a lot of time cheering people on as they came down the slides

By the time we left we were sooo tired! As soon as we got home we all crashed!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

We Are Gonna Party Like Vampires!

You know how most every little girl loves princess's and princess this and princess that. Well, my daughter liked princess stuff just about as much as the average little girl does. She was such a girly girl when she was little! Oh, how I miss those days! Now a days I'd give just about anything to do something with my daughters hair than just run the Chi through her locks. Yes, I like her hair all smooth and straight from the Chi, which by the way was the best Valentines present any mother could give themself, I mean daughter! But after stumbling upon this hair blog, I envy that mother to no end now and am certain her days of fun hairstyles are numbered as well.

So after the princess phase they go through what I like to call a 'toy' phase. We had the Bratz dolls (yes I allowed my daughter to play with them as I still think they are kinda cute in a skanky sort of way, I envy them in such a way as I can never get away with wearing such skin showing get ups), then we had the Polly Pockets and the Littlest Pet Shops and WebKins and I don't know what else.

So what comes after the 'toy' phase....why yes of course my daughter still suffers from Major OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder)! She is soooo into the whole Twilight thing its just....well....real. I suppose I should account myself as being the responsible party for turning her onto such a disorder. After watching Twilight in the theaters I took her to see it not even 24 hours after I first saw it cause it was just that good! Ever since watching Twilight, life has not been the same! We rushed out to get our grubby little hands on the whole series and she has not put them down since! She has been reading the series over and over and over. I even tried to persuade her into reading Shopaholic but after Braden got ahold of that book she has had no desire to venture away from her beloved vampire Edward.

Alas, the movie finally comes out on DVD! You know that we HAVE to get it! So while at the mall today we had to go through our whole 'Twilight Mall Ritual' which consists of torturing Felisha and prolonging our trip to Hot Topic to check out the Twilight Madness as long as possible. Its kinda fun really! For me anyway, as I drag her through Dillards and around the mall the long way only to see her roll her eyes and give me 'the look' as I hit my beloved American Eagle. It just kills her cause Hot Topic is a few stores away and you know I have to look things over and make sure all is well with the Eagle. On a good day I make her suffer through my visit with Victoria's Secret and when I do take pity on her almost(fake) tears I give in and buy her a lip gloss or body spray so she can be all priss when she enters her ultimate destination.

Upon arrival of Hot Topic to check out the Twilight gear we were greeted with invites to see a local band. Not bad! Victoria...take note of this! Then the almighty Twilight Gods blessed us with the privilege of a VIP Twilight Release Party! Thats right! When you preorder your copy of Twilight at Hot Topic for only $24.99 (which is supposed to be cheaper than anywhere else or so I was told) you get the privilage of partying like Vampires at the Twilight Release! We are soooo excited! They are supposed to be doing Twilight Trivia and games and giveaways and blood drinking vampire things. Ok, maybe I got a little carried away there. But either way we sooo there!

While at Hot Topic one can't help but take notice on all the different 'styles' you see in there. The line was long so we got to really check people out and I tell you standing there with a tween girl as I push my tot in the stroller I felt very old but young at the same time. Black apparently never goes out of style, as well as chains and pointy things. People are still into piercings as I now reminisce of my old navel and nose piercing and wonder if its still totally acceptable to do it all over again cause if so I would in a heart beat, or two! I admire ones creativity. I know most people kinda shun the folk that wear such out there get ups but I really admire them for their individuality all the same. I couldn't help but admire the hair of one of the guys that works in the store. His hair is almost cut the same as mine but I just loved how his was all blond and kinda wild and messy. I wanted so badly to snap a picture but I didn't bring my camera and didn't want him to take it the wrong way but I suppose if I explained to him the talent his hairstylist has he may not take offense. Spring is almost here so I may just have to see my own stylist and recreate the 'girl' version of his coif!

After my run down memory lane we hit Felisha's new hot spot for duds, Aeropostale. At the beginning of the school year it was all Limited Too. Now I am no longer limited to just my own wardrobe as we can totally share tops with each other! Its awesome really because I simply steer her to what catches my eye, have her try it on, fall in love and in a few weeks it can end up in my closet! You know how things get misplaced when putting laundry away!

Oh and I did run and see my girl Victoria. Had to get my free panty! If you try on one of the new Heidi's Perfect bras you get an additional $5 off and after buying two bras like on the coupon its like getting $30 off. Plus she values our friendship so much she gave me a surprise gift for later on so I'll be sure to look her up then!

Lastly, who can not live without Wall Flowers from Bath and Body Works? A good smelling home appears cleaner doesn't it? Kinda blocking the mayhem of a two year olds doing! Anyway, they are on sale for $6 so its stock up time! I had a coupon on my receipt for $10 off a $30 purchase and after redeeming it today can you believe I got another one! Who says Friday the 13th is supposed to be bad!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Only to the West!

I love my sister! I do! But this is just too funny not to share...

We were talking the other day and she was telling me about her neck hurting. She thinks she slept on it wrong or something but either way it only hurts when she turns her head to the West! As I was listening she said to the West...again! So I ask her, does it not hurt when you look to the East? She caught on and we both had a good laugh!

The following day we're talking again and she said she took a pill to help with her neck but it didn't work. Beings as though she's my sister and I love her I had to explain to her that you only need 1 pill for pain when its looking to the East and a few for pain when you look to the West! Another good laugh! We both have a great sense of humor. We always try to find the funny in things!

Sam's Club and Margarita-Ville

As I was at Sam's Club yesterday roaming the aisles aimlessly as Braden was in good spirits, I took notice of a few things. I am almost always able to hit up the free samples of DiGiornio pizza:), a piece of fruit, and if I'm lucky something else to make up a complete 3 course meal. You have the opportunity to sample foods and cleaning product but no alcohol. Can you tell me why!!! I mean with the selection they they have come on!

My question and or suggestion is why don't they ever give us samples of the wine or alcohol? I mean why not just bust open one of those fancy margarita makers and let us see what its made of! It looks just adorable with that pretty shade of green I like and has that high tech fancy kitchen appliance appeal, but is it really worth the like $200 bucks? It may make for easier shopping trips with Braden in tow. He of course wouldn't have any but his momma might seem a tad chipper when I foot the bill come checkout time! I don't know about you but I'm waiting on my free sample before I consider purchasing one! So how about it Sammy boy!

Roaming the book aisle is a must for me as I enjoy reading or simply collecting books I never have time to read, but swear I'll get around to just as soon as I catch up with my massive magazine overload. Yes, I'm a magazine junkie. I get more magazines in the mail than I care to admit but I'm getting better as I do go ahead and take advantage of all the free issues to even more magazines and if they absolutely do not impress me to the highest of my expectations why I just don't subscribe. I'm calming the magazine madness...really! Anyhow, book titles make me laugh as I'm so easily amused. I even made a list to share with you all! I know, see I really am nice!

If I could only get Braden into naps!

Its Friday! Where's my new kid?

I must say I was relieved my picture wasn't on the cover!

Come on Steve! Are you saying I don't act like a lady??? I already know how men think!

Now ladies, I caught myself eyeing the oh so hot cover of Mens Health, I don't know who he is but OMG!! I tried finding a picture to post on here but had no luck thanks to Amazon and Mens Health site! Anyway check him out, hes the one on the motorcycle! WOW! Ladies, this is one fine piece of man gracing that cover!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, I'm a 'Texter'! I really hate talking on the phone except to a select few people I suppose, my sister being one of them. She recently got a new phone and data plan so now we can 'get our text on' for a change! Her carrier has provided her with 500 minutes of outside text usage and since I'm the only one she knows thats not in her network it is up to me to make good use of her freebies!

Texting has really thrown us both off as we find each other to be way more hilarious via text message. I think I have figured the reason behind all our new found chuckling at our phones. We both have children, our 2 year olds are 13 days apart which is so cool in itself, so we both struggle with the same things while trying to communicate with someone on the phone. Our conversations over the phone usually contain the same phrases such as Stop that, Give Me That, Get Down from There, Come Here, Gosh you Stink....Again, Get Away from That, Do you have to potty, Boy you are Cranky, Do you need a nap, Oh you're gonna get it, Oh Yuck, Stay Out of there and so forth sandwiched into our conversations about mid sentence....every sentence.

However, if we start texting this way we both know we have bigger problems than just two year olds!

On to my friend Victoria, she can now send me texts! With a simple hello, how are you, hey lets get together and you spend some money all is great! Except Victoria already sends me enough daily emails and that as curious as I am to see what offers shes got for me via text, I'll have to pass. I'd go broke if I printed and used every coupon she sent me to her store. Besides, I'm a little hurt she shares all her Secrets with the whole world and not just me! I will however be in soon to claim my free pair of panties at Victoria's Secret!

One great thing about texting is that you don't always have to answer right away like you do when you're carrying on a real conversation (not that texting isn't real conversing cause it's so super real as well). With texting you can simply ignore/avoid the question or totally fake paying attention and go back later to see what the heck they were talking about when you were preoccupied with someone else's drama. The IPhone is great cause it logs all your convo's with each person so you never miss a beat! Then later you can scroll through your lack of conversation and realize when you said 'yes I can't wait' that you were agreeing to carpool, diaper duty, homeroom mom and have to bake 85 cupcakes for the school carnival that is tomorrow!

Ya gotta love it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Why is it when you're 2 you have no fear but as you age you're scared? When you're 2 you have so much ambition and drive and curiosity. You're carefree and completely fearless. You don't take no for an answer and you always try your best to achieve your goals when everyone tells you no. You go to great extremes to achieve your goals. Is it because you know that when you fall you will always have someone there to catch you and to comfort you. Someone to give you that hug and kiss and make things better for you as you fall on your butt again and again.

As we age we are completely the opposite. We don't try new things. We don't set goals and push limits. We sometimes take no for an answer and never achieve things we've always dreamed of. We are scared. We lose our drive in life for things we know in our hearts we can do because someone says you can't do it. We forget who we are and who we want or were meant to be. We leave all of our dreams behind.

I admire Braden and Felisha and all children alike. At that age they have so much courage and ambition and sass. When they fail or fall all they want is to wrap their arms around their mothers neck and they feel better instantly. That is probably one of the greatest joys of motherhood. They feel good enough to get back on their feet and keep trying. Being a mother, we try to protect our children as best we can. Sometimes we fail at things but we all learn a little something along the way.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Creatively Demanding

Apparently my children don't think I'm fulfilling my motherly duties to their expectations. I make sure they are fed and bathed and dressed appropriately for the weather(well I do try with Felisha but she insists it's never cold enough for a coat, but I do tell her to put one on I swear). I try to teach them right from wrong, to be kind to others, and to wait their turn and be patient. It's only obvious to me now that I must really work on the whole patience thing with them. These children of mine can be 'creatively demanding' as they have shown tonight.

What do you get when add these two

yes its Braden and a chair

With oh say an older sister that likes to spin around with her sibling in this chair?

Well ya get a little one that blows chunks!

Ya! As I was cleaning the living room and getting it ready so I can shampoo the carpets tomorrow my impatient children plotted against my schedule and gave me leftovers from both lunch and dinner! How generous!

I never realized my children were so very impatient about the cleanliness of the carpets until today. One really need not go to such extremes to have such household chores done right away. Really guys come on!

P.S. Theresa, just wanted to let you know we had hot dogs for dinner tonight. Of all things! Wonder where he gets it! Ha! Ha! I know you remember what happened last summer! Oh and there was no red wine involved this time! Luv ya gurlfren!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh Maxi what have you done lately?

Alright ladies, do you ever just have one of those 'OH MY GOSH' moments? Cause as I was surfing Etsy I came across these:

Full Moon Collection 12 Moonpads Reusable Menstrual Pads

I am speechless at the moment. We've all heard of reusable diapers and training pants, but these? Never in my life would I have thought of someone making such a thing! This really takes 'Going Green' to a whole other level!

But really, ya gotta admit they are pretty cute. In fact too cute for uh well that kinda thing ya know!

They can be found in epicerma shop on

Just thought I'd share so you can all have your own 'OH MY GOSH' moment as well!

You can thank me later! Really!

P.S. As I'm posting this Felisha says to me what are aids? Gotta love her!