About a week ago or so ago I bought the book for Felisha. Oh let me get off the subject for a sec cause I gotta tell ya this story! Ok, I get a phone call from the bus barn(school's bus people, apparently that's what they call it here...and in Texas too come to think of it). Anyway, they asked if my daughter told me what had happened on the bus the day prior. Nope not a word. So they proceed to tell me that MY GIRL tripped a boy on the bus and he in retaliation punched her! Now tell me.....does this face look like they would trip a boy on the bus on purpose?
I think not! So when she gets home I asked her and she denied it. Said their isn't even a boy named Kyle on her bus. Fast forward a few days and I get a warning in the mail from the bus barn. At first I was kinda upset because I felt lied to as a mother. But then I get to looking at this piece of paper and the bus number is reversed and as well as the sex of the driver. Odd huh? As my daughters name was spelled right! There is a first for everything! So when she arrives home I drill my girl one last time on this. Said it was not her. I believed her. So the following day the school and bus barn got an earful and after further investigation on their part they now realize that it was indeed NOT MY GIRL! Thank goodness! And in fact was another girl with the same first name on a different bus! So after making the bus barn and school feel totally and absolutely guilty because they were told she had been severely punished for tripping a boy(which she wasn't but shhhhh......I know my girl and I believed her) I bought her the book! Kind of as a sorry I kept drilling you kinda thing. Mothers really do know their children!
As for the school and bus barn the principal himself called Felisha into his office the following day and made a personal apology. I think this was really more of a lesson learned for everyone here. My daughter will not have her rep crushed by another girl with the same name. Not if I have anything to with it! People are gonna make sure they have the right kid before they make calls on them. And my daughter now knows that no matter what position you are in we all make mistakes.
Back to Shopaholic! The book is too cute so far, I haven't finished it(not even quite halfway yet to be totally honest), but super cute. Its quite a bit different from the movie as the book is set in London and the movie is set in NYC! Yet still soooo cute! I'm gonna have to get the rest of the series and hopefully they will make more movies based on the series! Isla Fisher is soooo cute and pretty just like my red head! Love her!
After all of our fun someone was a bit jealous of me and Felisha...
As they managed to grab ahold of these. Sitting there so content marking away without a care in the world all cozy on Felisha's bed.
Yup...it was this little fella
His identity shall remain anonymous!
I will always stand up for and protect my children no matter what!
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