Planet Ahoy! Sounds good to me! How do I book a vacation there? I'm just certain I could survive on milk and cookies for my stay no problem! I'd come rolling back eventually I'm sure. Like when I cannot get my pants on at all.
I've been working out consistently since the first of the year. Not so much as a resolution but I guess so in the same sense as I just want to get my body back in shape and live a healthier lifestyle. I work out at least 5 or 6 days a week for about an hour and a half each day. I haven't lost or gained any weight. I fluctuate between 3 lbs. according to the scales at the gym every night. Now granted I've been laid off and that's been the most my butts really been off the couch but I'm back to work now so hopefully working and working out I'll see more of an improvement. I can tell you one thing I have gained a lot of muscle as everything has tightened up. Can you believe that that alone has made my jeans tighter? I think I may have gained too much muscle in my legs as they are tight but bigger which is a bummer so I've decided not to hit the leg weights so hard and try more walking and running and possibly some yoga and Pilate's. I want long lean legs not big bulky ones.
I'm kinda (really) disappointed in myself at the moment as I can't seem to lay off the candy. I've had everyone hide the candy from me after I've over indulged in the bag and then sure enough I come across it usually within about a week. Needless to say they don't hide candy very well! Someone probably thought they did good when they hid the spice drops in their underwear drawer...ya I put the laundry away! Lucky me...the bags of candy I have hidden no one else except my partner in crime Braden and I really like. Those Twizzler cherry bites...found and now gone, spice drops...found and now gone. So tomorrow when I whine that my jeans are too tight I only have myself to blame. I know this and I think it when I'm eating it but its just soooo good! I have to stop. Really.
When you age your body takes on a different shape is what they say. I'll be the big 3-0 in a few months and I've had 2 kids. Most say they can't believe it but I can because I remember how thin and fit I was just a few years ago. Flat 6 pack abs, great legs, muscular arms...I really did look good for having a child and didn't have to work at it. Granted I had my first when I was 19 and bounced back to my prebody quickly. After having Braden its been a little harder. I want my 20 year old body back for my 30th birthday kind of as a gift to myself! I have no candy in the house...none that I can speak of and I vow not to eat anymore till I get that body back. Ya heard it here first!
If you see me with a box of Hot Tamales or any other candy or junk food, smack me please!
And if I smack you back just check me into the nearest Over Eaters Anonymous ok!
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