Saturday, May 9, 2009


So yikes! I didn't realize I left a post of my little guy being sick up as the first thing on my blog for so long! I know that's so what everyone wants to see when they pull up my blog so your welcome really!

I'm done moving, however trying to unpack my stuff is a bit of a challenge as one really must get creative when living in smaller quarters with so much stuff. Well, that or unload some junk! I haven't quite decided on that one yet, hence all the boxes everywhere.

I really don't know where I'm going with this post because my mind is wondering and well I have nothing super exciting to blog about. The 'Chic Pad' as me and Felisha like to call it is coming along slowly. It'll be super cute in time. Felisha's room is probably the cutest at the moment with her new bedroom suite and all. We are doing white furniture with black accessories and then her bedding we are thinking we'll do black and white with lime green accents. I think we can pull it off. I'm almost certain she will be sneaking her vampire boyfriend into the decor somehow. Just a hunch I have.

Since I heart Target and visit them frequently I'm totally loving the fact that they are just across the freeway from me and theres a Starbucks in there so its just grand really! In there ever changing Dollar Spot we found an autograph frame for a buck of course and I had Felisha take it to her old school and have her classmates sign it before her last day there. When she brought it home I found it to be so stinkin' cute cause they all left little messages and their phone numbers! All I can say is thank goodness for unlimited texting!!

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