For whatever reason Braden loves to get into my closet and wear my heels. Always one pink and one tan. Why? Because that's how he rolls! He seems to love his own fashion sense so much he wanted it documented via pictures! Here ya go little guy!
The world,or my little world anyway, as I see it!
Felisha has a......a......a boyfriend! I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or sad or just cry. She's really liking her new school and now I think we can all guess why! Hmmmmm, I wonder!
So this whole new found 'boyfriend' thing, what is that again, has left me wondering what I do as 'the girlfriends mom'. Is that my new official title or do they just call me 'Felisha's mom'? Or 'hey yo, lady'? Cause I know the poor kid isn't calling me 'mom'!! Although I am pondering the idea of having him call me 'your royal majesty all mighty one queen of all' as he is to bow down before me! Like that will happen!
Seriously, I mean what are my new duties is what I'm trying to figure out? Do I chaperone them to the movies and sit between them and buy them each their own individual pop corns? Do I take them out for dinner and ice cream and make sure they don't play footsie? Do I take them swimming in parkas? Do I take them out shopping with dog collars so they don't try to stray from me? Do I invite him over and give him the 1 gazillion questions and analyze each of his answers? Or do I just sit back and see where it goes, I mean they're only 10..............going on 22! Either way...scary!!
Totally expecting to see a pic of him with his bat huh? Ya, sorry! Expect the unexpected! LOL