-Sophie Tucker
Me and my daughter enjoy going to Barnes and Noble. She even begs me to take her there half the time and has been doing so ever since she could read. I love that she's so into reading and writing short stories. Her teachers love her writing and says shes got style and talent and is most advanced in those subjects. I must agree the girls got skills:) Anyway, she's the kind of gal that will find that one great book and go read. I on the other hand wonder aimlessly throughout the whole store finding books of various subjects of interest to me.
I came across this book called Nice Girls Don't Get Rich; 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money. Needless to say it caught my eye. Most of it was kinda blah blah, do you really need it, think about purchase for awhile, etc. Flipping through I came across this:
Avoid the mall altogether. (I know! I had to read that again to make sure that's what it said!)One study reports that only 25 percent of all visits to a mall or shopping center are for the express purpose of making an intentional purchase. The remaining visits are for recreational or entertainment purposes.
Could this really be true?? I mean I would never do such a thing! I would never go just to browse around. I would never go just to get out of the house or to let Braden run wild and burn his barrel of energy in the kiddo land instead of climbing the fridge at home. I would never go there just to keep my sanity or to get away from my family. I would never make a trip there just for recreational or entertainment purposes. Yeah right! I'm soooo there every chance I get! Hence the reason I'm not rich! However I thought I was being all money savvy when I decided not to purchase said book and save that cash for something else instead. Like this great new must have book(of my new boyfriend) for my daughter.
Funny she would pick a book all about him. I know shes all into the the whole Twilight Saga but him? Hmmm. And I thought she was all 'Team Jacob' and I was 'Team Edward'! Gonna have to watch that girlie as shes trying to steal my man!!
Off to the Mall, (Ha!)
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