Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Note to Felisha
Dear Felisha,
Felisha Felisha Felisha, stay away from the boys!!! And just what are you doing speeding so fast young lady? Don't you know that could cause a lot of problems!! And this most recent picture of you....just what exactly have you done with your hair missy? I know its summer and all but goodness girlfriend...and just where did you meet this Enrique've got some explaining to do!!
Love you always,
MIAMI – Forecasters say Hurricane Felicia is intensifying rapidly far out in the Pacific while Tropical Storm Enrique is weakening not far away.
The National Hurricane Center in Miami says Felicia's maximum sustained winds are near 100 mph and could become a major hurricane during the next day or so. Enrique, which is farther east, has winds near 50 mph.
Felicia is now a Category 2 storm and is about 1,335 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula.
Enrique is centered about 785 miles southwest of the peninsula.
Right now neither is threatening land.
~Obviously I'm a little silly or bored or something. Or I'm just so excited to see Felisha's name thrown out there in the news! Even if it could turn disastrous!! Which by the way I hope doesn't as that just wouldn't reflect very good on herself!
P.S. Yup, its official....I've gone silly!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Noticer
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Diva's and mine

~On another note~
P.S. This dude really has to be kin to me as we have like the same skinny a$s arms! Mine with no ink of course but hey!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Beware of the Puma's
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Budding Photographer?
Friday, May 22, 2009
And His Name is Austin
Felisha has a......a......a boyfriend! I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or sad or just cry. She's really liking her new school and now I think we can all guess why! Hmmmmm, I wonder!
So this whole new found 'boyfriend' thing, what is that again, has left me wondering what I do as 'the girlfriends mom'. Is that my new official title or do they just call me 'Felisha's mom'? Or 'hey yo, lady'? Cause I know the poor kid isn't calling me 'mom'!! Although I am pondering the idea of having him call me 'your royal majesty all mighty one queen of all' as he is to bow down before me! Like that will happen!
Seriously, I mean what are my new duties is what I'm trying to figure out? Do I chaperone them to the movies and sit between them and buy them each their own individual pop corns? Do I take them out for dinner and ice cream and make sure they don't play footsie? Do I take them swimming in parkas? Do I take them out shopping with dog collars so they don't try to stray from me? Do I invite him over and give him the 1 gazillion questions and analyze each of his answers? Or do I just sit back and see where it goes, I mean they're only 10..............going on 22! Either way...scary!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Baseball Dreams
Not my boy! He has a good mommy that ran to Target and spent a whopping $2.50 on a plastic baseball bat/ball set. I even managed to find a baseball shirt at JCPenneys cause I was so embracing the desire of my little one.
Yeah he's pretty special!
Totally expecting to see a pic of him with his bat huh? Ya, sorry! Expect the unexpected! LOL
Moment of Peace
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
For the Love of Books
I've come to find out my new location really is 'a good thing' as Martha would say. I'm minutes from shopping and restaurants and totally took advantage of this today. It may appear as though I have neglected my blog/s lately but I have a lot of issues I'm trying to work through lately and haven't really been feeling like myself. I do however enjoy blogging as its a way to express myself and journal and document things because I've decided I'm totally not cut out to be a scrapbooking diva so this will have to suffice. Sorry kiddos!
After being a good mother and enrolling my daughter back in school for the last 10 days here we had us a girls nite. We went for dinner and strolled around our new shopping center. After blowing a wad at Barnes and Noble we hit up Cold Stone for some I scream, u scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! Its good to know that everyone followed our lead and packed the place on a Wed. night and that girls will still sacrifice comfort to sport their ever brightly hued stiletto's in order to impress us with their almost nonexistent walking abilities in them! I do hope those poor girls enjoyed their ice cream cause I know their feet were killing them!
I think I've mentioned before how me and Felisha can easily find peace amongst a book store. I don't know if its the smell of fresh new books, big comfy seats, the leisurely atmosphere or the smell of Starbucks but we do love our Barnes and Noble trips. Or any other bookstore really, we're not partial! We both enjoy reading and bringing home new books to curl up with. Today's trip was more along the lines of 'classics'. Children's classics to be exact and I don't know how we managed that but we were both pleased with our selections. The Giving Tree (in hardback 40 year edition ooh la la) has always touched my heart. Every time I see it in plain view I have to pick it up and sit my big ole booty on the little seats and read it. Always makes me think about life. Falling Up is a book I haven't read in ages but Felisha was very excited to snatch this one up. She loves it. The Missing Piece, I really don't remember this book at all but love it so now. Ya, I guess we kinda had a thing for Shel Silverstein tonight! I may as well have bought all of his books tonight but I didn't. We'll save that for another day! Made You Look, cause who doesn't love those Where's Waldo kinda books?!! And last but not least our beloved Harold and the Purple Crayon. I think Braden will love the Harold books. Reminds me of my little monkey boy! I already like to think he loves his Curious George books cause they are so much alike! And if Braden decides to whip a purple crayon out everywhere.......I'll know who got him started!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I'm done moving, however trying to unpack my stuff is a bit of a challenge as one really must get creative when living in smaller quarters with so much stuff. Well, that or unload some junk! I haven't quite decided on that one yet, hence all the boxes everywhere.
I really don't know where I'm going with this post because my mind is wondering and well I have nothing super exciting to blog about. The 'Chic Pad' as me and Felisha like to call it is coming along slowly. It'll be super cute in time. Felisha's room is probably the cutest at the moment with her new bedroom suite and all. We are doing white furniture with black accessories and then her bedding we are thinking we'll do black and white with lime green accents. I think we can pull it off. I'm almost certain she will be sneaking her vampire boyfriend into the decor somehow. Just a hunch I have.
Since I heart Target and visit them frequently I'm totally loving the fact that they are just across the freeway from me and theres a Starbucks in there so its just grand really! In there ever changing Dollar Spot we found an autograph frame for a buck of course and I had Felisha take it to her old school and have her classmates sign it before her last day there. When she brought it home I found it to be so stinkin' cute cause they all left little messages and their phone numbers! All I can say is thank goodness for unlimited texting!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Bad Day
After falling asleep in his highchair at lunch
Then repeatedly having to 'assume the position' as he had the unwanted runs that he was not fond of at all. -which just had to wait till I came home from work...all the timing. I'm beginning to think he saves all of this just for me!
No bad day is complete without spewing the contents of your stomach on all over the place. And then spewing specifically on your mother! Thank you Braden! I really did need to stop eyeing my boyfriends (see prior post). -no worries I did not take a picture of that!
But alas, things do turn around. After showering and feeling better one plays dress up! -At 4 in the morning.
And ones with crazy mothers blog about it because once again I am procrastinating packing...or sleeping apparently.
Anticipation Rising

Need an explanation? I think not!
-really liking the one on the far left! Not crazy about the tattoo but hey!
I'm thinking this movie will appeal to not only to the tween/teen girls, you know because of my famous cardboard boyfriend and all,
but also somehow spark an interest with the tween/teen girls mothers. I just wouldn't have any clues as to why! I mean we all know I'm a fan! At this rate I'm thinking they may as well hand out drool catchers at the door to the theaters!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
For the Love of Pillows
This last picture cracks me up of him 'soaring in the air'.
On another note, I think Braden may be a decorating genius. Note how the ottoman tends to match the bedding. I never would have thought of that. Two year olds can be so smart!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
She Got Skillz!
-Please don't look too closely at them either for they are flawed for sure! My pillow making attempt is pretty bad-hence the solo pillow! Poor things they are! I really do love this window seat as its me and Braden's favorite reading spot!
Beings as I love to shop and find fun new things and dream of taking them home and wearing them out and being stopped every ten minutes cause I look so stinkin' haute........reality kicks in when I see the price tag and have to suck it up and walk away. Sometimes I get this crazy notion to try to recreate things I've seen...or better yet snap a picture and email it to my sister with a pleasey please I'm your favorite sister (and only but that's besides the point) request for her to make me one (only cuter of course) with her much more accomplished sewing abilities.
Prime example:

Ginnifer Goodwin's red and white dress is simple but cute. I saw this picture and thought of my sister right away. I mean this really doesn't look tooooooo terribly hard to sew right? I think I may have to get a cutesy mannequin to play around with things, or just sit to around looking pretty like my sewing machine! Although I may have already done one better...I emailed this picture to my sis explaining how it looks fairly simple and she could add this to her summer line and make it for all ages!
As far as I know my sister actually reads my blog (and should totally be getting busy with this project! ha ha). If there are others out there that do...thank you as I'm impressed anyone would want to read what I have to say! And if you can sew I'm a size small!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Posting Via Email
Sent from my iPhone
-Update....not so happy with my lack of picture:( It shows up sent with a picture but its not showing up per blog which bums me out a bit. I'll mess around later...I really need my beauty sleep now.
Text a Post
Trying something new...posting via text! Yes, I saw this new (unless I've been really blind all this time and never saw it) option. This could be really fun! Now I really wish I could text pictures like regular phones cause what's a post without some kind of picture??? But then again...I can email posts too which I shall try next!
Friday, April 10, 2009
No More Hannah Please!
So what movie review do I have for you today? Hannah Montana. Please don't get all excited and jump up and down for joy like I did (or didn't). I was honestly shocked my daughter and her girlfriend wanted to see this movie. Didn't take me long to catch on why...boys! Apparently Miley's childhood friend is cute. I just wasn't seeing it, I mean he's no Robert Pattinson/hot vampire so no lusting for me! The movie wasn't all that great but then again this is my review of the movie and sadly I'm no longer a preteen that finds young guys under 17 hot. I wasn't impressed with the movie or the story or really any of it. Hannah Montana is sooo over in my book.

I have to laugh at myself though as 2 years ago or so I remember getting up bright and early and driving over to Centurytel to purchase Hannah Montana concert tickets only to have them sell out online and only 5 people were actually able to purchase tickets at the window out of a few hundred (myself included) causing the rest of us to be sent home empty handed. I laugh because I actually considered paying the ridiculous couple hundred bucks (via scalper) to take her to the sold out concert. So glad I was such a tightwad and didn't make it to see her lip sync.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Being Confined Stinks and Vice Versa

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Unexplainable Bling
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Frugal Beauty

I tried the whole Vaseline over problem areas on my skin and it worked for awhile but like most everything else I've tried this too stopped working so well for me. I do continue to use it on my lips from time to time. I like to put something on my lips before bed so they don't dry out. I was told to apply Vaseline to dry spots and blemishes before makeup and bed so you can try this method also and see if it you have any luck.

Prepare yourself for this trick....I hope you're sitting down and don't die of laughter reading this but I swear by it! I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on my face. Yes, I have a bit of a mini kitchen going on in my bathroom cabinet but I'm telling ya it works for me! Here's the link I read that actually suckered me into trying this. I have combination, oily, dry, acne prone, in other words pathetic skin. I've never used the suggested sunflower oil but I have mixed my olive oil with castor oil when my acne wants to flare up and it nips it in the bud so to speak. If I was any good at taking care of my skin I would do this faithfully every single day because when I do my skin truely behaves. Another perk with the oil is that I find I don't even need to mess with eye makeup remover most days because it removes that for me too! Again, frugality at its best! A way to save a bit of time and water is to go to the kitchen and wet your washcloth and then pop it in the microwave to get it all 'spa steamy' before applying to your face. I do this a few times and then wipe any remaining eye makeup off when I'm done.

I've tried so many products out there but these simple things from our kitchens have worked like no others. You have to give them time though. Its not an over night thing however the scrub I noticed right away especially under my eyes. As for the olive oil, it has sooo many other uses as its packed full of vitamins. Look it up if you have time, you'll be amazed! I like that they are natural ingredients cause I feel so 'green' using them and I'm saving a ton of money that can be spent on other little luxuries like Bare Escentuals Dolly lip gloss! This color looks good on any skin type and has that lip plumpin' cooling tingly feel so we can all look a bit Hollywood!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Awakenings, beings as though it has Robert De Niro and Robin Williams you can rest assured its a good flick. Its about a super compassionate caring doctor that seeks to find change in chronically ill patients. I found myself smiling a lot throughout the movie just because it makes you feel good watching someone that actually cares about helping others. A very sweet movie based on true events. It had me smiling and laughing.
Many many years ago (yes, I know I'm making myself sound soooo old but my late teen years was so long ago) I worked in a nursing home so this movie brought back a lot of memories. Caring for the elderly can be a bit challenging yet very rewarding at the same time. I remember when I first started and was touring the facility going into the Alzheimer's Unit I definitely did not want to end up on that wing! Patients were yelling 'help me' and were just well, very different from what I was expecting. After a few shifts on that 'dreaded wing' of the building I had a change of heart. I got to know who these people were and just really felt for them as they couldn't communicate in the ways we so easily do. You really have to take the time to listen and try to understand where they are coming from. One lady was on a puree diet and getting her to eat was a struggle but if you gave her some 'real' food she would eat it all up, such a simple change ended up being made and she was able to enjoy food again. Telling one you were their mother (obviously I am no where near being close to that) and loved them and wanted them to get some rest would ease some to fall asleep peacefully. Changing little things and making them feel loved made a world of difference. I'd freak out when someone would ask if I took care of so and so the other day only to learn that they loved the fact that I took the time to put their lotion on them or spent a little extra time making sure they were comfortable and had everything the way they liked. I was surprised I was being requested upon as I felt everyone should be taking the time to do such little things but weren't. I couldn't help but care for them all like they were my own grandparents. I have such a weak spot for others. Especially ones that need caring for.
Years after working there and moving states away my own grandmother was placed in that very nursing home so going to visit her there was hard. I remember visiting her while she was eating dinner and she looked up at me and appeared to know who I was instantly. Now, I honestly doubt she knew it was me per say but just the look in her eyes made my heart melt. So many people in nursing homes never have any visitors. I guess its because their family doesn't think they will realize they are there or will even remember who you are and that's just sad. I don't know if my grandmother ever remembered our visits or really acknowledged who I was but I know she was there and I know who I was visiting and I will always cherish those times.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Safetysuit Rockin' The House
Curious as to who exactly is rockin' those tunes I looked them up and hey...not bad lookin' guys if I do say so myself!

Back in the day I was a total Nirvana lovin' kinda girl so the cover of their album I just get a kick out of!

I've added quite a bit of Safetysuit on my playlist right now but I was kind enough to space them out ever so strategically! Ok, I just threw them in here and there but either way...Love 'em!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Career Change?
Its my hair! I've had so many compliments its crazy! Literally! I haven't done anything too drastic to it but all week I've been hounded by women all over about it. People I've never seen or spoken to are coming up and complimenting it. Kinda blows one away cause its the same hairs on my head as always. They just got a fresh coat of spring color last Saturday and maybe that alone just puts everyone in their chipper chatty ways! Either way it can make one feel good. And also put the pressure on one to make sure its at its sassyness everyday!
This is it! Nothing too exciting! I simply run the trusty Chi through it to smooth it out and bend the ends a bit to girl it up cause I'm not into spikey hair on myself as I feel it makes one (or maybe just me) look kinda butch-ish if ya know what I'm sayin'!
-I did say I don't like to spend too much time on it right! Pic was taken before work so don't expect too much!
I keep the back super short (so misleading from the front! Ha!) so I really just have to mess with the top and front of my hair.
I should totally give up my day(night) job and become a hair model eh! Ha!
Sunday, March 29, 2009

I've been a 'Shazamin'! Ok so you're probably thinkin' what the heck is that crazy girl a doin' now? Well, if you knew me in person you would easily know that I love my IPhone dearly. Who doesn't just feel completley nek-ed without their cell phone? I mean don't we all sleep with our phones tucked under our pillows now a days? And take them everywhere we go? And go crazy if we're out and don't have much of a charge left on our phone? I mean shoot, Sarah Jessica Parker may be calling to invite me out for lunch and shopping and then my phone dies mid conversation! Then she thinks I'm blowing her off and never calls me back again! The stress involving our cell phones! Arg!
Anyway, I'm really lovin' all my 'Shazamin' lately. Shazam is a free app. on IPhones that I highly reccomend to anyone with such a handy dandy device! Wait, did you catch that its FREE! Probably one of my favorite apps. on my phone. Me and Felisha love to Shazam tunes in the car all the time. Its so easy to use too. You just tap the Shazam button on your phone and then tap Tag Now and viola! You have yourself the song name, artist and tons of other info at your fingertips in seconds. It also stores all your Tags so you scroll back through them when you're no longer on the freeway and you can even share your tags with others! I'm really quite amazed with its abilities because it can still read the song while me and Felisha are belting out the tunes in the car. We jam big time! Its alway been accurate, to my knowledge, and can even pick up the tunes in the grocery store cause we all wanna know where they get that elevator music from I know!
I think for all of you non IPhone users, bless your hearts, you can possibly get this app on your phone as well. I'll have to try with Felisha's and let you know. Shes asleep with her phone tucked under her pillow at the moment! I asked her earlier if I could mess with hers and she's like ah, I have your phone for that! It may take awhile cause I just can't figure her phone out as the IPhone is all I know.
Update: After messing around with Felisha's phone and having no success I realize that we must move to the UK in order for her to have such service. I'll get right on that ya know! Seriously, that feature only works there apparently, by dialing 2580 and holding the phone up to the music. I really must plan a trip to see if this works! Otherwise it's just us IPhone and Blackberry users!
So Shazam it Baby!Get Scented
So what are my all time favorites?
From Victoria's Secret I love, love, love Blossoming Romance the most.
From Bath and Body Works....I could say everything but I think I like the Sea Island Cotton the most because of its fresh cleanliness like scent...
My latest love crazy smell good ever...Ed Hardy's Love and Luck!!! WOW! Now I do spend some buckage on that bad boy...but hes totally worth it! I mean just the lotion alone you can smell on yourself like perfume hours later! I love this scent and its one I can actually smell on myself.

I like simple, clean, fresh, light and floral scents.
My daughter being the one with obsessive disorders (OCD), who now refers to herself as Twilight Diva, loves her Harajuka Love perfume. Harajuka has to have the cutest line of fragrances out there for girly girls. And they all smell so good I'd wear them too but I buy them for her and have enough of my own collection going on.
See the bottle shes holding? Yes thats the perfume! And the jacket, Harajuka cuteness! They are so right when they say its a fatal attraction to cuteness!
P.S. As I type this post my 2 year old is wearing his coat carrying a Target bag of I don't know what, putting sandals on my feet and begging me to take him somewhere in the car. Braden you smell fine! Geez!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Not only is she cute but she also brushes her back teeth really well! -she ought to as she wants to be a dental hygienist when she grows up...along with a hair dresser and a writer

She cracks me up all the time...shes a funny chic!

This picture is so her! So peaceful!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Am I A Bad Mutha???
Where do I begin....
I have been known to feed my children cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner....all in the same day.
...And am guilty of allowing them cookies for breakfast on occasion.........with milk mind you!
I send my daughter to school not knowing if she has any lunch money on her account or not and wait for her to bring home a slip from the school cafeteria saying she owes a whopping buck sixty or whatever before writing another check for her. I don't keep track of that....I just wait till the money runs out, I get a notice and write her another check. I think of it as a warm fuzzy letter saying please allow Felisha to join us for lunch!
I have not joined the PTA. Oh My Gosh! Bad mother! BAD! And I'm honestly not sweating my lack of membership! Shhhhh!
I have wrote off books as being read when they haven't for school purposes.
I think its cute and funny when Felisha dresses Braden up like a girl!
I leave my 2 year old in his high chair after meals so I can clean up the kitchen and get some things done around the house. He doens't seem to mind as hes a slow eater. However I'm quick to get him out as soon as he starts to throw food he cares not to eat!I allow my little boy to jump on the beds, play with dolls and wear my deodorant. -He likes to smell all powdery that a bad thing?
I enjoy working outside the home and getting away from the kids for a bit!
I sometimes pretend I don't smell Braden's stinky diapers in hopes that someone else will not only get a good whif but take it upon themselves to change him! -I can dream!
My biggest sin for the moment....leaving my cold medicine on the counter before going to bed only to have Braden wake up and open the 'childproof' bottle so we get the joys of spending a morning in the ER because we didn't know if he swallowed any or not. I have learned that they can reach much farther than I thought (with the help of a chair) and have managed to keep all meds put up. However, I don't feel the need to keep my new prescription toothpaste locked up. (It stays a shelf higher than the other toothpastes.) Such a rebel I know!
One more guilty sin...I allow my son to fall asleep where ever and let him lay there till I know hes zonked out good before moving him to his bed.
Ahhh...back when he was innocent!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Working 9 to 5
During such time I'd like to tell you how I've managed to find a cure for all cancers and other diseases, start my own foundation for charitable causes for the good of mankind, make sure no one in this world will ever go hungry and have a roof over their heads every night as well as a warm bed to sleep in and last but not least fix this whole economy situation we all suffer with! I know! I've been soooo busy!
Ok, so I really do wish all of that and more would happen in this lifetime but in the mean time I have been extremely lazy! I have had the privilage of sleeping in, staying in my pj's till noon (or later) daily, putting off washing...drying...and folding impressively large heaps of laundry (I sometimes like to see just how much I can fit in those front loaders!), staying up late, procrasting housework and doing my fair share of 'frugal' shopping. Hardest part of my day? Making sure Felisha is up and ready for school on time! Sad huh! Best part of my days...spending good quaility time with my children!
Busted being lazy and snoozing into the afternoon.

Counting down when his can rid himself of his mommy for awhile!

Are they happy to see me head back to work? (surely not!) (At least I hope!)

Update: Someone stole my veggie sandwich! I put it in the fridge and not even 20 minutes later someone up and ran off with it spreading it all over the kitchen floor! Gee, I wonder who that could have been? Braden, that was supposed to be my dinner tonight at work. What does he dinner no work? Ha! Guess whos counting down now?!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
He's Just Not That Into You

Movie reviews for:
'He's Just Not That Into You'
Being the nanny deprived mother that I am sometimes I just have to suck it up and do things with the kids I'd really rather not. You know how kids can really just cramp ones style! All needy and sucking your attention from more important things like a good chick flick. I'm kidding I swear! I love them both to death but you have you taken a 2 year old to the movies lately?
Imagine a child if you will, cute one at that, sitting at the movies drinking his little strawberry banana smoothie all quiet and peacefully enjoying the movie. Eventually this must come to an end! I mean he is 2! So I managed to grab his little tush and dash to the concessions for reinforcements being popcorn and sour patch kids to keep my little one from fussing. Then as he tires of his drink, popcorn and what was left after me and Felisha devoured most of the candy(oops) and the movie he notices the stairs next to his seat. As some find it fun to climb the stairs and walk back and forth down the aisles while the movie is playing the mommy type (and other movie patrons I'm sure) find it just a bit...less enjoying. Oh how fun it is to try to watch a movie and a busy 2 year old in a dark theater. Lets just say this.....I don't advise this to anyone!

Get your kid outta here! He's ruining the show!
So, for my movie review on 'Hes Just Not That Into You'...Well, first off we stopped for smoothies at Sheridan's so we were running late. Oh and a tidbit most people don't know is that some theaters actually do allow you to bring in your own snacks and drinks. We usually hit an AMC theater nearby and paying for all our goodies once they said you can bring in your own junk. Oh Yeah! I get more looks from other movie patrons than you would believe as the employees there never bat an eye at me carrying in my own drink.
Ok, so I missed the first oh 10-15 minutes which I'm sure had to be good. But you can easily catch onto what was missed. Gigi, is a hoot! I loved her character as she desperately awaits for this guy to call her. Or any guy for that matter! Mary too as with all the technology these never know how someone is going to contact you! The other characters are all in different situations relationship-wise as well so makes for an interesting movie. Lots of little twists and such. I'm not going to spoil the movie but it was a pretty good chick flick. I'm sure I'd of enjoyed it much more if I was privileged enough to have a nanny!
I'd definitely like to see the movie again....without my little guy.
Another movie I saw that I'm surprised is still playing (here anyway) is 'Gran Torino'. That movie was really really good and made me cry. Very good...must see!
I already told you how much I loved loved loved 'Shopaholic'! Oh and the book is just awesome. I'm not going to say way better than the movie because they are actually quite different and yet both are very very good! I need to get the other books in the series as I'm sure they are all equally as adorable!
As I was privileged enough to take a 2 year old to the theaters today, someone else was deprived of the little guy and enjoyed the movie 'Knowing'. Reviews on that was very good as well. But lets remember here that any movie without a 2 year old can be much more easily enjoyed!