Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Note to Felisha

Dear Felisha,

Felisha Felisha Felisha, stay away from the boys!!! And just what are you doing speeding so fast young lady? Don't you know that could cause a lot of problems!! And this most recent picture of you....just what exactly have you done with your hair missy? I know its summer and all but goodness girlfriend...and just where did you meet this Enrique've got some explaining to do!!

Love you always,



MIAMI – Forecasters say Hurricane Felicia is intensifying rapidly far out in the Pacific while Tropical Storm Enrique is weakening not far away.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami says Felicia's maximum sustained winds are near 100 mph and could become a major hurricane during the next day or so. Enrique, which is farther east, has winds near 50 mph.

Felicia is now a Category 2 storm and is about 1,335 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula.

Enrique is centered about 785 miles southwest of the peninsula.

Right now neither is threatening land.

~Obviously I'm a little silly or bored or something. Or I'm just so excited to see Felisha's name thrown out there in the news! Even if it could turn disastrous!! Which by the way I hope doesn't as that just wouldn't reflect very good on herself!

P.S. Yup, its official....I've gone silly!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Because I've gone all Amish as I have no tv in my new pad I must rely on Yahoo's OMG for my daily dirt of boring Hollywood gossip. I find it almost sad that I could totally see myself wearing this same ensemble that Marc Anthony is wearing! Right down to the cutest stinkin sandals evah!! Love ya Jenny not from my block but you're forgetting a little something. Maybe it was all a ploy on Marc's part as he says to Jenny hey lets go grab ice cream and she just simply forgot her bottoms! I guess food can have that affect on one!

Seriously tho....I'm loving his not her sandals!

P.S. I'm not against receiving late birthday gifts of matching sandals in a size 6!! I mean gosh I did turn the big 3-0 this year!!!